Wednesday, July 31, 2019

“Afterwards” by Thomas Hardy Essay

‘Afterwards,’ by Thomas Hardy, is a poem that questions the way that people will look upon the narrator after his death. It centre’s around the idea of ‘noticing things,’ showing the narrators precision and the ambivalence of his neighbours. Hardy gets this across by the techniques that he uses, and the detailed descriptions which show the full extent of what the narrator has noticed. The poem shows the complexity of nature, and describes the cycle of life. The first stanza begins by personifying the ‘Present,’ which is very appropriate as the poem is concerned by the aliveness of the surroundings that it is describing. The reference to the back gate suggests closure, and is a very precise way of describing the end of the narrator’s life. This sense of closure is also demonstrated in the structure of the poem, which is self-contained in its alternate rhyming quatrains. It has a rhyming pattern of abab, which means that the poem is soft and pleasing to hear, reflects the quietness of nature and goes along with the idea of the man being gentle and ‘tremulous’. It is also pleasing to the eye as each stanza loosely mirrors the previous one. However the number of syllables varies in each line, which means the poem is not constrained by its structure. This is fitting to the content of the poem as there are references to birds, and flying which has the connotations of freedom. An example of this is, ‘And the May month flaps its glad green leaves like wings.’ This animal imagery is totally un-restrictive, as well as painting a very bright and vibrant picture of the season that he is describing. The alliteration, combined with each line only having one syllable helps to achieve the bouncing, jolly effect. The line also shows enjambment from the first line that is a technique carried on throughout the poem, adding to the overall continuity. The month of May is also described as being ‘delicate-filmed as new spun silk.’ This simile gives a very precise description of the beauty of spring, comparing it to a shiny new fabric, and giving it an almost transparent quality. There are also the connotations of value and exquisiteness. The second stanza moves consecutively from daytime to dusk, using appropriate  language to describe the time. Hardy is precise in describing the moment the hawk lands as like ‘an eyelids soundless blink.’ This has the combined effect of conveying both the visual swiftness of movement, and also the quietness of the moment. He manages to create an eerie tone by using the word ‘shades,’ which gives the impression that there are many shadows and it is not very easy to see. The eerie tone is continued by the ‘wind-warped upland thorn,’ in which the plosive ‘R’ sound adds to the feeling of rustiness. It shows that the narrator does not only appreciate the bright beauty of the day time, but the more mystical quality of the evening, therefore noticing the full complexity of what nature has to offer. The idea of the day wearing on continues in the third stanza, where the first line foregrounds the rest of the stanza by stating; ‘If I pass during some ‘nocturnal blackness,’ which clearly sets the scene for night time. This is carried on by the description of the hedgehog and the moths, which only venture out at night, which creates a mood of peace and tranquility. The idea that the hedgehog travels furtively suggests a sense of purpose, that the hedgehog has a sly, secret mission to complete, which will go unnoticed in the rest of the world. This seems symbolic for the narrator, who seems to be discretely observing everything. T he secretiveness would help explain the distance that seems to be between him and the rest of the human beings around him. This distance is further achieved by the fact that there are never any names mentioned, or any suggestion of family or relationships. For example ‘one may say,’which is typically impersonal.Stanza four moves from describing the animals that the narrator identifies with, and is more focussed of the narrator and his idea of the people around him. It is different from the previous stanzas in that there is no movement within it, which is appropriate because Hardy is describing the time when the narrator has been ‘stilled at last.’ The focus switches from the visual nature the narrator is so utterly familiar with, to the ‘full starred heavens that winter sees.’ Therefore he is thinking about the unknown, and the life that awaits him after he dies. Again there is the use of personification for winter, as there was for spring, which is important as it signifies the end of the  seasonal cycle where things wither and die.Continuing this somewhat disconsolate tone, the beginning of the last stanza seems to give up on human nature. It asks, ‘and will any say when my bell of quittance is heard in the gloom.’ This brings you back to the closure suggested in the first stanza, where he describes the gate closing on his life. The image of the bell contrasts to the silence of the previous stanzas, especially the one immediately preceding it. It describes the sound dying, and then rising again as a ‘new bells boom.’ The alliteration again helps the line move quickly, suggesting the speed that people rush around. The onomatopoeic word ‘boom’ suggests the loud noise that people make, contrasting to the peace and tranquility of the nature and animals that he describes. The poem ends by asking if the people will say, ‘he hears it not now but used to notice such things?’ This sums up the whole poem, which is expressing how people will not ask these questions. The refrains bring in the new voice in each stanza, having the effect of uniting each one. The meaning of each of the final lines never really changes, achieving the realization that the narrator knows that he will never change the views of the people around him. Hardy is criticizing human nature for not stopping long enough to reflect on what is really meaningful in people’s lives. Therefore in conclusion the repetition of the first line, that ends the poem sums up the whole idea that nothing has actually been resolved. It emphasizes the complexity of nature and the amount of things that goes unnoticed every day and night. Hardy employs various techniques to make the poem come alive, which is crucial in showing his appreciation of what is going on around him. He uses extensive imagery, so that it is both visual, such as by describing the colours, and the explicit detail that is in every small thing that he describes. The silence is also transmitted effectively by word choice such as ‘soundless blink.’ It is also effective in identifying his affinity with animals, as opposed to human beings.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Article Example

Thomas Sowell said, â€Å"The first lesson of economics is scarcity: There is never enough of anything to satisfy all those who want it†¦Ã¢â‚¬  In this paper the author will define economics, microeconomics, macroeconomics, the law of supply and demand and will identify the factors that lead to a change in supply and demand. The author will also analyze the basis for the trends in consumption patterns as discussed in the article â€Å"Alcoholic Beverage Consumption in the U. S. : Patterns and Trends.Economics Defined According to our text, â€Å"Economics is the study of how human beings coordinate their wants and desires, given the decision-making mechanisms, social customs, and political realities of the society (Colander, 2008). Economics can be simply defined as the study of production, allocation and consumption of goods and services. There are generally three central problems that an economy must solve, they are: what, and how much to produce, how to produce it, and fo r whom to produce it.This paper will discuss microeconomics, the law of supply and demand, and the factors that lead to a change in supply and demand. Micro and Macroeconomics Economics is important and used in all facets of life. There are many issues across the world that are based on economic aspects, especially when making decisions that involve profit sharing, income allocation, minimizing unemployment, and price gauging.Some businesses will use economics to drive prices and determining on purchases or investments. Microeconomics is â€Å"The study of individual choice, and how that choice is influenced by economic forces† or also known as the invisible hand theory. Decisions that are based on microeconomics are typically motivated by costs; those costs can be of financial costs which include average fixed or total variable. Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a†¦

Monday, July 29, 2019

Eastern European Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words

Eastern European Politics - Essay Example At a certain point in these transformations, the communist parties gave up their monopoly of power -- often removing a constitutional clause on that subject and admitting rival parties -- and submitted to competitive elections, which turned over power to their opposition. There were significant differences, for example, with regard to the abruptness or completeness of the change among the elites, ranging from the purge of the old elites in the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) to the sliding-scale, power-sharing arrangements in many other postcommunist societies (Robert, 1985). As in Southern Europe and Latin America, the ruptura with the old regime transferred authority only with certain de facto limitations to the new elites. Whereas in the former areas, the army and both private and foreign big business often continued to wield powerful influence, in Eastern Europe it was more often the bureaucracy and large, state-owned firms and farms. In Russia, the entire military-industrial complex at first survived the meltdown of communist control. The new governments began to make inroads into the realms of state-owned and cooperative enterprises whose managers had somehow inherited command from the defunct state planning commissions at the center of their command economies. In many cases, this left the economy half in and half out of the range of authority of the new democratic governments (David, & Bruszt, 1998). There is no need to go into the complexities of the transfer in each country, except to stress the paramount role of particular elites -- political or nonpolitical -- along with the rebellious masses in the unraveling of the old and the consolidation of the new regimes. The masses effectively challenged the authority of even the last hard-line dictatorship. "We are the people" was the chant of the East German demonstrators in Leipzig and elsewhere as they confronted the claims of popular legitimation of their communist government (Samuel, 1991). Were the economic crises of the old regime or its dictatorial character at the roots of rebellion Most immediately, the latter, although the multiple failures of the communist economy played a significant role under the surface. Crucial to the final collapse of the old regimes were also the defeat of the repressive apparatus at home -- especially the secret police and other repressive forces such as the workers' combat groups in large factories -- and the end of the outside military threat, both of Soviet power to reformist regimes like that of Alexander Dubcek and of the Western military counterpressure that had for so long been the alibi of Soviet pressure on the satellites. Once Mikhail Gorbachev had renounced the Brezhnev doctrine of Warsaw Pact intervention against nonconforming communist regimes and, in fact, encouraged them to follow in his path of glasnost and perestroika, hard-liners in Czechoslovakia and East Germany were on their own, with predictable results (Joseph E., 1 994). The complex requirements of a working democratic system, of course, did not automatically fall into the laps of the aspiring peoples of Eastern Europe when communism fell. Far from it, each element had to be acquired separately, and, as of this moment, some are still missing, incomplete, or in

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Personal Assessment of Management Skills Assignment - 1

Personal Assessment of Management Skills - Assignment Example The areas that I scored the highest were in the motivation segment and the solving problems creatively. These two areas showed that I love coming up with solutions for a specific problem. I also love motivating others by giving them advice and counselling them when the need arises. Two areas that showed that I needed improvement were gaining power and influence and building effective team and teamwork. It is important that I learn how to positively influence other employees to lead them in an effective manner. I should develop better skills in building teamwork with my colleagues. This is because teamwork is a significant aspect for any organization. After noting down my personal scores, I also noted down the scores of my associates. These are people who know me well enough to be in a position to rate and assess my management skills. From the results, I was able to determine the areas that showed the greatest variance between my personal assessment and the assessment of my associates. The areas that showed the greatest variance are motivating others and empowering and delegating. There are reasons that can explain the great variance in these two areas. In motivating others, my associates may have considered the instances where despite my efforts, I may not effectively motivate others as they expected of me. In empowering and delegating, my associates could have also overlooked the small acts of motivation I make to people without necessarily having to talk about

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Financial Analysis of Barcelona Brasseries Case Study

The Financial Analysis of Barcelona Brasseries - Case Study Example In the case study, hedging, as suggested by the private banker, would make sense for Barcelona Brasseries S.L. The economic environment is characterized by floating interest rates all through, with low margins. Given the prevailing economic environment, hedging the interest rates may be beneficial. The prevailing interest rates are low, and the company’s investment yield is quite low. Since the company has recently obtained additional locations all through Barcelona, for 1,000,000 Euros holding mortgage loan(s) will, therefore, result in higher earnings. Such a rise in income is caused by the increased interest earnings. In the example provided, the interest rate –swap has been set into a three-month floating rate system. The three-month floaters stretch more than it can if invested in securities and there are no capped rates (Hollis 2011). The company’s performance will be better if the interest rates increase. Suppose the rates fall, the three-month floater wil l have a performance similar to that which was predicted. However, the low rate may be quite inconvenient. Deventer and Imai (2013, p.113) note that there are some dangers the family may have to take into account when implementing the hedging of interest rate risks. There is a need for constant and consistent rearrangement. For example, a hedge with an eight percent effective duration would be sufficient to hedge a balance sheet with 31-year mortgage loans. However, seven years later, the hedge diminishes ineffective duration and may need to be rearranged with more hedges as the earlier former hedges mature. In most cases, this rearrangement needs superior modeling methods. In summary, the hedging of interest rate risk and the application of derivatives are useful method Barcelona Brasseries Inc. may consider utilizing.  

Decision- making case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Decision- making case study - Essay Example The Informed Decisions Toolbox (IDT) was developed to assist managers in efficient use of six key steps in evidence-informed decision making. These steps include: framing the management question, finding sources of information, assessing the accuracy of information, assessing the applicability of information, determining the actionability of the evidence and determining whether the information is adequate. The IDT allows managers to take control of the decision making process to enhance the performance of their organizations (Rundall et al., 2007). The issue arising due to the budget cut at Medicaid requires decision making based on careful consideration. Using information from â€Å"Informed Decisions Toolbox: Tools for Knowledge Transfer and Performance Improvement† we can determine which tools would be the most appropriate to use for decision making at Medicaid. The decision making process for Medicaid would begin with framing the question. Medicaid requires selection of the most optimum mix of medical services within the prescribed budget. For this we need to understand which services yield most benefit to the stakeholders including employees, regulatory agencies, patients and payers affected by our decision, and which services are most critical for our operations and which ones can be disposed of without having a tremendous impact on the organization and its stakeholders. This step would set the foundation based on which we can proceed towards seeking the best possible solution for the problem and yield maximum benefits for all concerned. This step would provide a clear definition of the issue and also highlight what information needs to be collected. The second step would require us to find appropriate sources of information. For the situation under discussion it would be beneficial to extract useful information from sources both external and internal. This stage would

Friday, July 26, 2019

Personal and Professional Development Assignment - 5

Personal and Professional Development - Assignment Example During the time that I was working at the orphanage I learnt that those children were faced with a lot of challenges especially those who went to government school. They were looked down upon and thus they were not given equal chance with their peers to participate in co-curricular activities. They therefore felt side lined and felt out of place. I initiated a project that was to introduce football tournaments between the children homes in my home town. Due to my good interactions skills that had been nurtured at school, I was able to get sponsors who funded the project thus the children homes that participated were rewarded accordingly. After conducting an evaluation test, I found that the objectives for which the project was based on had been met. The children felt that they were part of the society as they had not been left out. Therefore this made my project to be successful.First unsuccessful story  During the last year my family faced a major financial crisis that had resulte d from my mother being laid off from duty. There was a scandal at their company that had been caused by the seniors since they had committed a fraud. All along we had been brought up by our mother and she was our only bread winner. Being the first born in our family and having completed school a while ago, I had to look for a job in order to help my mother fend for the family since my other siblings were still in school. The road to getting a job was not that smooth for me since there was competition from others who had completed schooling.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Legal advice to Bruce on his emergency leaves Essay

Legal advice to Bruce on his emergency leaves - Essay Example Legal Position Every employee has a right to emergency leave to take care of dependants across many labor law jurisdictions. Public and private employees have equal access to time allowance in order to take care of their dependants, usually in form of unpaid emergency leaves. According to Miller (2012, p. 419), the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993 was enacted to provide protection to employees who require emergency leaves to take care of family or medical needs. The Act provides for emergency leave allowances of up to 12 weeks per year for general employment environment, which is accordingly extended in certain types of reasons for the dependant’s emergency need. For instance, if the dependant needs care following an injury while on a military duty, the Act provides for emergency leave of up to twenty six weeks a year. Under the details provided in the case facts, it is not clear what the cause is for the illness that Mary suffers from. The bottom line, however, is that Bruce as an employee is entitled to a certain amount of time for emergency medical attention for his wife. Within the restrictions under the Act for the number of weeks allowed within a twelve months working period, the question of how procedural Bruce was in taking leave may be the cause of the stand-off as opposed to whether he had a claim (McFarlane 2012, para4). It is not clear how many days Bruce took the emergency leaves as well as the reason for the illness that his wife suffered from. As explained above, there are certain causes of Mary’s sickness that could extend the days allowance. The size of the organization in which Bruce works may also bring the consideration of the length of time that he has claimed for emergency leaves into perspective. Ordinarily, the duration of the leave within the twelve month period is dictated by the size of the employee base, which is assumed to be 50 employees (Hunter 2009, p183). However, certain states do not have reservations in the limit of number of employees in the organization in order for the emergency leave to be allowed. It is only logical for the employees to be allowed to take an emergency leave if there is enough cover during the absence, presumably from the pool of colleagues. The danger to life of the dependant may, however, compel the situation to be stretched to accommodate emergency leaves. In order to qualify for an emergency leave, the employee must satisfy the basic requirements of an emergency under the Act. According to the case facts, Bruce’s relationship with Mary qualifies to access an emergency leave on family grounds. Perhaps more definitions of marital status and relationship would require visitation, but the low threshold on cohabitation may dispel such doubts. In case the employer requires proof of entitlement, Bruce will have to provide some form of evidence to support the argument that Mary is his wife (Hunter 2009, p24). Although certain circumstances may make it imp ossible to prove such a relationship immediately, the requirement of evidence reasonable under the circumstances is a sufficient proof. Legal Advice Bruce’s position in this case is that though he is entitled to a medical emergency leave for his spouse’s care, there are limitations in the allowable number of days. The sickness of Bruce’s wife is reportedly a lengthy one, stretching to over 15 years. However, it is not verifiable how many days

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Business career of Sam Walton Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business career of Sam Walton - Research Paper Example In the same year, Walton paid $25,000 to the owners of the Ben Franklin stores for the rights to franchise the store. According to Tedlow (2001) Walton was inexperienced at running a business and he did not know what to do with a variety store. In fact, the only experience Walton had was from working retail at J.C. Penny’s (Brooks, 2012). Walton had paid too much for the store and was also paying too much for rent. Both of these issues could have meant failure for Walton but he did not fail. The first step for him was to go to a two week training program that was provided for franchise owners. Next, he studied his competition that happened to be across the street from him, and he read retail publications (Tedlow, 2001). He soon learned how to run the business, learned all the rules, and then found ways to break the rules that did not make sense to him. Walton was inspired by what he learned in retail and wanted something bigger. He also wanted to provide more value for his customers. He decided it was time to open a larger store, which became the first Walmart (Walton, 2012). Walton had backers until he decided to cut prices, and his backers felt this was not a good idea. He started Walmart with his own funds (Brooks, 2012). One of the reasons that Walton was successful was because in the early days, he cared about his employees and his customers. He realized that if he had lower prices than his competitors, he would have satisfied customers. He also realized if he treated his employees well and taught them how to take care of the customers, he would have successful employees and customers (Walton, 2012). By 1967, Walton owned 24 stores and was making $12.7 million in sales (Duke, 2012). In 1969, Walton incorporated Walmart and by 1970 they went public (Duke, 2012). Walton attributed the success of Walmart to his employees who were the ones who worked directly with the customers (Walton, 2012). In 1971, Walton opened his

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Quality of Financial reporting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Quality of Financial reporting - Assignment Example h of the company depends on various intangible attributes, it becomes quite challenging to examine its real or actual financial performances (Intel Corporation, 2010). Cost of goods sold: The inventory computation process of Intel is focused on the First-In-First-Out method. To comprehend the loss recognition of the written down values of inventories, the company tends to capitalize interests based on the borrowings treating the grants as additional expenditures for the stock (Intel Corporation, 2010). Operating expenses: The depreciation of the tangible assets is calculated in a straight-line method by Intel after capitalizing the interests on borrowings in the net worth of the asset. Impairment costs are charged on goodwill, non-marketable equity investments and other intangible assets which are also reviewed annually to monitor any changes. The acquisitions during research and development process are also identified as an intangible asset liable for amortization costs (Intel Corporation, 2010). Non-operating revenue and expenses: The net interest income generated by the company is computed after deducting the interest expenses incurred during the fiscal year along with other nets. Equity income is also calculated in relation to both its marketable and non-marketable equity investments. The financial statements of the company also depict the income tax changes along with the probable reasons for such alterations increasing its transparency. The financial statements are elaborate on the discontinued functions in relation to various investment activities initiated by the company (Intel Corporation, 2010). Other issues: The consolidated financial statements apparently depict the material alterations caused in relation to outstanding shares of Intel over a given period of time. The cash flow statement as well as the income statement also depicts the computation process of operating earnings before taxation and after taxation charges following the guidelines of

Monday, July 22, 2019

Deer hunting is a good thing Essay Example for Free

Deer hunting is a good thing Essay You’re driving home from a movie with your best friends and you’re doing about 60 on a country road you’ve known all your life. All of a sudden, out of your peripheral view, you see a couple of deer heading straight for your cars path. You hit the brake to try to avoid them and narrowly miss. You think to yourself how lucky you are that you didn’t hit one. What you didn’t know is the couple of deer you saw used to be a pack of 4 deer. A week earlier, two different hunters each took a deer from that herd. If it wasn’t for the hunters, you probably would’ve hit at least one deer. Deer  hunting isn’t as bad as it is portrayed to be! Hunting controls the deer population and along with predator population and the number of accidents involving deer decrease because of good ethical hunting. You would be amazed at how fast deer reproduce! According to Steve Johnson from The Deer Hunting Guide, during early November to early December is a period called the rut. There are three periods of the rut. The first is called â€Å"the pre-rut†. Bailey 2 Beginning in late summer or early autumn the blood flow to a buck’s soft antlers stop; they then harden or calcify. The whitetail buck rubs small trees to remove the velvet  on his antlers which is now drying up and beginning to shed. A buck will also scent marking trees by rubbing them with the pre-orbital glands located in his forehead and back legs, marking his home area. The rubbing of trees is also a way of strengthening a whitetail’s neck. This prepares him for upcoming light fighting sessions with other buck’s to show his authority to the local deer herd. This is how the buck will attract does and reproduce. Also, according to LeAnn Spencer from the Chicago deer hunting magazine, it happens every year and about 1. 2 million baby deer are born. But, along  with that, it is estimated that 1. 1 million deer are hunted every year. In the early 1900’s, deer were hunted down to 500,000. A deer hunting ban was placed in the U. S to let the population grow and today we have 20-25 million. Without hunting, deer population rose 4,000 % in less than 100 years, so it is a good idea to start conservation. Have you ever been in an accident involving deer? Well, you are definitely not alone! Lin Doris speaks out from animalrights. com: â€Å"In Michigan alone, $130 million is spent a year just repairing car accidents involving deer. Along with that, 5,000  people are killed. It is an obvious problem that could be easily fixed. † So many lives and money is lost. And people have a tough time realizing why the U. S is in such bad debt! My point by saying all this is decreasing deer population by hunting is a good way of deer conservation and it leads to less crashes and lives and money lost. Bailey 3 Not many people know as much as to what other animals are affected by the deer population growing and shrinking suddenly. It is explained well in the ‘Benefits of Hunting Deer’ section on ehow. com. If you think about it, if the deer population increases, then the predators that prey on deer will thrive due to good food supply. Even more accidents happen to things that prey on deer! It might not be as much, but it is still an unneeded thing. Also, increasing any animal’s population will cause it to spread out to different areas for habitat. One of these places may be a city where people are everywhere. Needless to say there are very stupid people in this world and they will do stupid things to animals. Any animal is not afraid to defend itself and you would be surprised at their strength. People could get very hurt being so up close and personal to animals. Therefore, decreasing deer population also decreases predator count; decreasing accidents, money lost, etc. (Chavis) It is easy to see that there are many positive aspects to deer hunting! Deer hunting doesn’t only affect the deer population; it decreases other animal’s populations and keeps animals health in check. Next time you narrowly miss a deer in a car, think of a hunter. Or, next time you kill a nice deer, you can go home knowing you fed your family along with possibly saving a life. It’s a win/win situation! Bailey 4 Bailey 5 Bailey 6 http://www. the-deer-hunting-guide. com/strategies/hunting-deer-the-rut/.

Women of Sparta and Athens Essay Example for Free

Women of Sparta and Athens Essay The role of women in Ancient Greece all depended on the city where one lived. In Sparta, women were more valued and respected by men, so the men were willing to give them more rights and opportunities to make their own decisions. In Athens, men had a more traditional view on women and believed that they shouldn’t belong in society; so therefore, men primarily monitored the women actions. Sparta lies in the Peloponnesus, in the south. The Spartans set up a brutal and strict system of control. Assemblies made up by male citizens approved the major decisions in Sparta. Since the men of Sparta valued how women looked, beautiful and attractive women were granted more opportunities which eventually led to having more rights. Attraction was what Spartan people cared about most. In order to assess the women’s beauty, men would inspect the women while they were completely nude. Women had mirrors all over, so they were constantly looking at themselves and fixing themselves. They obsessed over their looks and appearances. Once a man was pleased with the woman, he would take her and marry her. Men also prized beautiful women and sought them as brides, even breaking some of society’s rules to win them. †. The people with the best looks were the most respected and noticed by people. â€Å"In Sparta beautiful people were highly self-esteemed: the best-looking man and women were most admired†. Women who weren’t beautiful didn’t get chosen by the men to wed, and therefore lived with their father and barely had any rights and freedom at all. The men only marry the beautiful women and once you are married you are given much more freedom and rights to live by. The men of Athens believed that the women had a specific role in society. While the men were off making decisions, they expected the women to be at home taking care of the children, household, and monitoring the slaves. â€Å"Courtesans we keep for pleasure, concubines for daily attendance upon our person, but wives for the procreation of legitimate children and to be our faithful housekeepers, that is all. † (Nardo, 57). The men used poor and lower class women for their own pleasure, and they used their wives to take care of the children and to be their personal housekeepers. The way the men talk about their wives is like they are referring to them as their salves, they don’t give them any respect at all. Beauty wasn’t valued in Athens, it was much more important to be at home and keep it clean while caring for the children and slaves. The women covered their body and were usually by themselves. If they were to ever go out, they had to be accompanied by an escort. The Athenian women weren’t granted many rights because the men just didn’t believe that they should be given rights. They thought it was much more important for the women to be at home watching over the kids, and slaves while keeping the house tidy. So therefore, the Athenian men didn’t prioritize womens rights because they strongly believed that their place was at home. â€Å"The process that we go by today, a young women meeting an eligible young man, falling in love, and deciding to get married-was largely unheard of in Athenian society†. The way the Athenian marriage process took place was the bride got married off to the husband by her father. The bride was legally incapable of arranging her own marriage. The purpose of marriage was not for love, rather babies, money, land or what ever the husband and the father of the bride agree on. It wasn’t unusual for marriage to take place with man and women not knowing much about each other. The women would mostly get married off for the first time between ages 14 and 18. It didn’t matter if the brides were responsible or not, the men would make all the important decisions about the household. â€Å"For a women must love her husband even when she has been married to an insignificant man and not provoke a contest of pride† (Lefkowit, 2005). Even if a woman is unhappy in her marriage arrangement there is nothing she can do to change it, she cannot leave, or rebel. In Athens, marriage wasn’t highly valued; the marriages were based solely on the bride’s father and husband’s decisions and deals. The Athenian women did not have any say or opinion on who or when they marry. The husband and father made deals and controlled their marriages completely, while the women were pushed aside with no voice. In Sparta, the man chose a woman who was cross in age who he wished to marry. The marriage remains a secret, and they live apart, until the bride gets pregnant and they can move in together. The brides had to be a responsible and capable bride, because they managed most of the household and children. The women in Sparta â€Å"largely took precedence over men in that sphere†. The Spartan men had to choose their bride wisely, and had to make sure that they were fit to the job of running the household, and making important decisions. In Athens, the men considered themselves the leaders, and they felt that the only role of a women was to stay at home and watch over it, have babies, and keep the population growing and healthy. The men were the leaders, the women lived in fear of the men. They were not allowed to own land under any circumstances. They were not allowed to appear in court. They were not allowed to arrange their own marriage, and they were not allowed to go out of the house by themselves, only accompanied by their father or husband. The men created strict laws that separated them from the women, and told the women exactly what to do, and how to act. The women were considered only citizens and nothing else; they played roles in religious festivals, but they had absolutely no real decisions in law or society. In Athens, the men were the leaders, and believed that the women were only good for the little side things, like watching over the household, getting pregnant, and keeping the population growing, they did not believe that they were capable for anything else important which is why they were given no real rights. The men of Athens were considered â€Å"like god† and had insane muscle and strength; the women were looked at â€Å"imperfect beings† and got pushed aside by the men with no roles to protect them. In Sparta, the women had active roles in the community and specific institutions. In Sparta, unlike in Athens, it was very important to be fit and strong; they cared a lot about military training, war and fighting. The women engaged in many physical training similar to the train that the men went through, but not as intense. If they were ever needed, the women were capable of stepping in and fighting. The women of Sparta were very outspoken and were not as afraid to stand up to the men, because they were not treated as differently. Women were allowed to own land, even if she had brothers, a women can share the inheritance of her father, if she had no brothers, she can inherit all the land. The women were fit, smart, and confident about themselves, therefore more capable of taking on role in society. The Athenian men passed a law that strictly controlled women’s social and sexual behavior and limited what the are able to own, and inherit. They had limits on the number of women who could participate in funerals, the women were not allowed to pay tribute to the family of passing (shiva call), and when this was allowed on special circumstances, there was a limit of no more than 5 woman; they made a rule that the women were not allowed to leave the tomb before the men at a funeral. imited the amount of women allowed in church, and religious festivals. The purpose of the men strictly restricting the womans rights and limiting exactly what they are and are not allowed to do, was to force them to be at home, producing more child to keep the population flowing, and to watch over the land within the family.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Globalization In Times Square In New York City Media Essay

Globalization In Times Square In New York City Media Essay What effects does globalization have and what role does it plays in Times Square in New York City? New York City is a multicultural city in its global age, experiencing economic integration, political harmonization and cultural globalization, thus forming a monoculture. New York City is a home to people who belong to different race, nations, ethnicities and class but are forming a heterogeneous salad bowl. People living in New York City are culturally converging, creating a hegemonic consensus about the culture, yet becoming more culturally distinctive under globalization. According to Shehzad Nadeem (2009) in his article Macaulays (Cyber) Children, an increase in the cross-cultural contacts and emergence of new classifications of knowledge, sensibility and the awareness created by globalization leads to culture diffusion  [4]  (102- 122). Shehzad Nadeem (2009) in his article Macaulays (Cyber) Children writes that globalization has sown a seed of desire in an individual to increa se ones standard of living and enjoy foreign products and adopt new technology and practises  [4]  (102- 122). Thus a lot of people living in third world countries think and wish to migrate to developed countries and earn money to afford lavish lifestyle. Jagdish Bhagwati (2004) in In Defence of Globalization observe that economic globalization in any area for example, in the Times Square involves the growth in the flow of trade, technology production, identical consumer goods and an increase in financial capital  [1]  (3). Globalization of the New York City has attracted a large number of financial groups and publishing companies to set up their headquarters in the area of Times Square. Thus a lot of talent is driven from poor countries to places like New York City. Globalization does affect New York City in different ways which can be seen through a homogenous global network formed in Times Square. According to BBC News of January 21, 2007, one of the aspects of globalization in Times Square is the industrial effect on the commencement of worldwide production markets in the area and the availability of a large variety of foreign products for consumers in Times Square  [5]  . Well known brand names for example Fergie Footwear, Shoe Dazzle and HM can be seen in the area. Business Week explained the financial aspect of globalization seen in Times Square in New York City from the introduction of worldwide capital market development as the tourists come to visit the place and thus increase the capital inflow  [6]  . According to Business Week, tourists that go to USA, the highest number gathers in Times Square  [6]  . The spending of the tourists goes directly to the citys economy  [6]  . The other aspect of globalization in Times Square is the economic aspect which is based on the freedom of the flow of goods and capital across borders of countries  [7]  . For e xample certain brand names found in Times Square can also be found in other parts of the world. Thus, economic boom or collapse in Times Square will influence other regions of the world. According to Sheila L. Croucher (2004) in her book Globalization and Belonging: The Politics of Identity in Changing World, interconnectedness is the transfer of information, knowledge, ideas and people across the world which has an impact on the globalization of culture  [2]  (9-11). Globalization in the world leads to changes in some regions that have significant repercussions for the safety and protection of communities in other parts of the world. An example of the global influence can be the destruction of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York City, the largest city of the United States of America. This event had a huge impact on the other parts of the world in terms of the economical, political and immigration changes across the world. Another feature of globalization in Times Square is the upgrading of products that is necessary for survival in global business market due to the increased competition between the various companies. An example of competitors is Hersheys Time Square and MMs found in the same area of Times Square. Media is a powerful source of globalization that includes music, cinema, visual arts, photography, television and radio. An example is a lot of advertisements and films shot in Times Square which are then shown in the theatres worldwide. Someone who has not been to the Times Square physically will come to know of how it looks like and what do people do there. How is Times Square in New York City representing cultural diversity and globalization? Darcy Tell (2007) in her book Times Square Spectacular: lighting up Broadway writes that Times Square is located in the middle of Manhattan, which is one of the five boroughs of New York City  [8]  . In her book she also writes that Times Square serves as a centre of Manhattans transportation system  [8]  . Alan S. Oser (1986) in his book Great White Way: Planning for a Brighter Times Square writes that Times Square is famous for its bright gaslights which are symbol of the intense urban aspects of Manhattan  [9]  . Times Square is a tourist mecca and New Yorkers call it crossroads of the world. Times Square has now formed a world landmark of New York City. Due to the growth in New York City, Times Square quickly became an immutable prime location as a cultural hub of multiplex movie theatres, music halls, shopping malls, upscale hotels and grand restaurants that flourish beneath glittering canvas of eye popping neon signs. Huge billboards of well-known brand names like LG, Toshiba, Samsung, Coca Cola, McDonalds fast food seen in the Times Square are also seen in some third world countries and this is an evidence of the corporate globalization and the integration of the same into different cultures. People living in third world countries listen to Rihanna and Eminem in the same way as people walking the streets in Times Square. b) C:UsersOwnerPicturesmcdonsds.jpg Attractive features of the Times Square are the ABCs Times Square Studios from where Good Morning America is broadcast live, Naked Cowboy, shopping and entertainment places like the Toys R Us store, Virgin Megastore, Madame Tussauds Wax Museum, Hersheys Time Square, a candy heaven where one can find best of Hersheys brand, MMs store, Hello Kitty store, B.B. Kings Blues Club and other luxury stores  [10]  . LED screens put up in Times Square give the news updates and thus people in the surrounding area get to know what is going on in the other parts of the world. The Discovery Times Square Exposition is New York Citys first large-scale exhibition center  [10]  . The Discovery TSX offers unforgettable experiences for the ones who visit the place for entertainment, learning, and adventure  [10]  . James Traub (2005) in his book The Devils Playground: A Century of Pleasure and Profit in Times Square writes that Times Square has turned to a popular center of New Yorks civic li fe  [11]  . Times Square is the most popular intersection and a famous gathering place to celebrate Hercules Electric Parade in June, presidential election and is also the site for the annual New Years Eve ball drop. Ball drop ceremony started on 31 December 1907 and is celebrated ever since  [10]  . Hundreds of thousands of people gather in December while tens of millions sit in front of their television sets to watch the ball drop. In the 1920s and 1930s Times Square had become an area associated with corruption and crime  [12]  . Times Square was generally regarded as a dangerous neighbourhood  [12]  . But the situation changed when in the 1990s, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani made efforts to clean the area by shutting down pornographic theatres, increasing security and relocating drug dealers  [12]  . Corporate investors planned to build skyscraper offices and thus develop the area to be tourist friendly. According to Sharon Zukin (1996) in his article The Culture of Cities, a Disney store was opened in 1990s in Times Square by the Walt Disney Company, which attracted more family-friendly businesses to the area, leading to what is called Disneyfication  [1]  4.The area is a lot safer now than in the early nineties and is once again a magnet for tourists and a center of New Yorks social scene. Broadway theatres in the Times Square area refer to the performances presented in one of the 40 large professi onal theatres, which is a popular tourist attraction in New York City  [13]  . Sharon Zukin (1996) writes in his article The Cultures of Cities that Time Square is famous for its night-life and social entertainment thus every year 26 million visitors come to gawk at the bright lights and enjoy themselves  [14]  . Another Tourist attraction close to the Times Square area is the New York International Fringe Festival which is the largest theatre festival in North America  [15]  . The festival has art and dance performances, childrens theatre and is also popular of its live-action events conducted by people of different countries who have come to present their culture  [15]  . Author Lynne B. Sagalyn (2001) writes in her book Times Square Roulette: Remaking the City Icon that Time Square has become citys icon of entertainment as the place is famous for its busy streets, dense and diverse pedestrian activity and cultural diversity  [16]  . Another feature of globalization visible in Times Square is a variety of food available from Thai soup to Indian curry. Time Square has been a place where tourists have found what feels like home in an Americanized environment. Now Times Square growth and prosperity had made it a distinct icon of its own and people visit it to observe its social life and because of its entertainment providing atmosphere. For some people, visiting the place is like a dream come true.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

My Philosophy of Education - Teaching Survival Skills :: Teaching Education Essays

My Philosophy of Education - Teaching Survival Skills I fundamentally believe that genetics plays more of a role in the classroom than most are willing to admit. Ever wonder why some people are better at certain things than other people. Why can some people do math in their heads and others need paper and pencil to add? I think it has more to do with genetics and instinctual factors. Think of it in terms of survival skills. We will be more likely to survive if we stick with the cognitive abilities that we are good at. So what does survival skills have to do with teaching children? The younger a child is the more in tune they are with the basic human instincts. Now granted a five year old in not going to have to run away from a lion, but he will instinctually want to be successful. Success is based on survival. Success at one point meant hunting for food to feed oneself. Being able to survive enables the person to pass on genetic material to offspring. Today, we still supply food to our family but in a different way. Over time humans instinctually develop, realizing that by taking good care of ones offspring could insure that the offspring will then themselves produce offspring. Now apply the argument of survival to the classroom. What do children do that makes us realize that they still using instinctual methods? My philosophy is a work in progress but I believe that learning itself is based on survival. Why do parents and teachers reward student? Parents realize that with good grades comes better paying jobs. With better paying jobs comes a better lifestyle and better health. Hence, healthier children and strong, healthy offspring. Another point on survival has to do with the special education student. The human race has genetic mutated over time. Mutation is a change in the DNA bases and sequences. Take dyslexia for example, over time for what ever reason, the genetic make up of society has mutated and dyslexia is still around. It must have contributed to survival of the human race. I think this true for all learning disabilities. Did the learning disabilities help us survive? Did human DNA mutate to better our survival skills? I have many questions that are still unanswered.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparing Steppenwolf and the Teenaged Girl Essays -- Comparison Compa

Parallels Between Steppenwolf and the Teenaged Girl  Ã‚   To be a teenaged girl means many things in this modern society. There are numerous expectations set for the average sixteen year old female: she must be pretty, popular, thin, preferably intelligent, but not too intelligent, and she must subjugate her will to the group. This world has a tendency to shun females who are too independent, who seek too much power, and who attempt to break from the stereotypical female mold. I have personally experienced this spurning, especially from my peers. There exists a dichotomy somewhere in my own soul, a rift between that which I am expected to be and who I really am. Harry Haller, in Hermann Hesse's novel Steppenwolf, experienced a similar predicament. He was torn between the life of a socially acceptable, "decent" man, and the primal, lupine nature of the Steppenwolf. I find myself caught between wanting to be a socially acceptable, "popular" girl, and being the independent, intellectual, and strong person that I actually am. There are a number of parallels between Haller and I, each further proving that the dichotomy of the Steppenwolf and the division within myself, the teenaged girl, are of the same essence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Often in my life I have felt trapped by the boundaries and expectations that those around me have set for how I ought to behave, think, and feel. Here in suburban America, these boundaries are often set by peers and family, as well as by the media and celebrity figures. The expectations that they have set often dictate ideas that, deep down, I greatly disagree with. One of the most prominent of the ideas is that my worth is reflected in my outward physical appearance. In this world which has declared war on th... ...conditioned self and the true self. She both wishes to be accepted and to be set free from the group's expectations. She wants the perfect body and face and yet realizes the lack of importance therein. Harry Haller, in the end, could not completely understand the game of life, but understood that the willingness to play and the eagerness to sort through the inner self are what really matter. I have realized that, in the end, I must learn the same lesson. The road ahead will not be easy, just as Harry's journey was long and arduous. Fear and fleeing are no longer options, though. It is an archetypal, inherent knowledge within each human being that self-knowledge is key to a true existence, and both the Steppenwolf and the teenaged girl realize the importance of this expedition. Works Cited: Hesse, Hermann. Steppenwolf. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1990.

Ethical Philosophies and the Hippocratic Physician :: Philosophy Medicine

Ethical Philosophies and the Hippocratic Physician Twenty four centuries ago, Hippocrates created the profession of medicine, for the first time in human history separating and refining the art of healing from primitive superstitions and religious rituals. His famous Oath forged medicine into what the Greeks called a technik, a craft requiring the entire person of the craftsman, an art that, according to Socrates in his dialogue Gorgias, involved virtue in the soul and spirit as well as the hands and brain. Yet Hippocrates made medicine more than a craft; he infused it with an intrinsic moral quality, creating a â€Å"union of medical skill and the integrity of the person [physician]† (Cameron, 2001). So, how do we who are aspire to be Hippocratic physicians achieve this goal? First we must look at the foundations for our personal ethical frameworks through meta-ethics. Meta-ethics refers to the systems by which we establish morals and ethical principles. Today there are many philosophies of meta-ethics, divided into two basic categories, moral absolutivism and moral relativism (Lawhead, 2000). The difference between these is in the nature of ethical principles, whether subjective or objective. Say something exists objectively, like a vase on a table. The subject’s perception of the vase must conform to the true vase. If, however, the subject is simply thinking about a vase, that vase exists subjectively, and its properties are contingent to the subject’s contemplations. So, how do these differing systems affect the physician in attaining the Hippocratic ideal? Let us first consider relativism. To the Moral Relativist, moral principles are created within cultures and communities, coming from cultural folkways and mores (Gerson Moreno-Riaà ±o, personal communication). These principles are normative only in the culture which created them. Already, the Hippocratic Oath loses its moral weight. For example, in the 1973 Roe v. Wade abortion, Justice Blackmun dismissed the centuries-long Hippocratic tradition as merely a â€Å"Pythagorean manifesto,† relegating it to minority status (Cameron, 2001). However, relativism does not end here. If moral principles are defined by cultures, how does one define a culture? If a social scientist were to dissect cultures into subcultures, and then divide those as well, he could logically continue making â€Å"cultural distinctions† until he comes to individuals as separate cultures. As a culture of one, each individual by relativism’s definition creates his own moral principles. This could be called ethical egoism (David Mills, personal communication). As logical conclusion extension of relativism, ethical egoism creates a world of moral lone rangers, with no one responsible to answer to any other.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Osi Analogy Paper

OSI Model Analogy Trevor Crews Strayer University The OSI model is the model developed for computer-to-computer communications over a network. This model breaks down all the functions that occur into seven distinct layers. These layers are, application, presentation, session, transport, network, data link, and the physical layer. Each one encompasses a specific part of the process that occurs during the communication. In order to simplify this think of it like sending a package through the post office.It can be broken down into seven stages or layers for this example. We start with bringing an item or letter to the post office that is to be sent to a determined destination. This is essentially what happens in the application layer. This is the interface between the communication and the entire process as it is in how a computer works. Next the item is packaged and put into a box or envelope. This is similar to how the presentation layer functions. In this layer the communication is f ormatted, encrypted, and compressed; basically prepared for sending.Our package is then tagged with tracking information and tagging information that allows us to track it and verify if there are any other packages and if needed what order they go in. This is similar to the session layer. Next our package is put into a sorting device of some kind that sorts things based on size to see if it is able to be sent with other shipments or broken down to be sent different ways if it is to large. This is similar to the transport layer of the OSI model. The similarities go on over the next few layers as well.After packages are sorted they couriers inspect the packages and are given the specific routes they are to take in order to deliver the correct packages to the correct recipients. This represents the network layer in that the connections are established between the computers and the routing is also established. Next the packages are loaded onto the means of their transportation. This can include both truck and plane or whatever other method is needed to ensure delivery. This is how the data link layer works. The information is packaged generally in frames and sent via the proper transmission method via the designated route.The first of this process ends with the drivers getting into to their vehicles and driving towards the destinations with the packages. This is the physical layer in which the transmission takes place. After all this takes place it goes back through the same layers in the reverse order to ensure that everything that has happened was in the correct order and method. For example a package arrives at its destination, it’s then unloaded, inspected to make sure its intact and not damaged, signed for to verify the correct address and recipient, unpacked, and finally read.While the process as a whole can be overwhelmingly complex if it is broken down into layers as the OSI model does it can be viewed a little more simplistically and compared to mo dern day processes. Such as the post office as I have described. There are also many other similarities that if one looked they could make connections to. Works Cited Dean, T. (2010). CIS 175: Network + Guide to Networks: 2010 Custom Edition (5th Edition). Boston: Cengage Learning.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

English Placement Essay

Nearly 20 years ago, Raymond received severe vanguard trauma from a car hazard which left IM in a torpor for nearly a month. Eventually, Raymond recovered solely he had difficulty, especially with his memory. Harriet becomes Raymond primary carefulnessgiver. Harriers advantageouslyness began to decline over the years at massive last suffering a stroke and a broken hip requiring her placement in skillight-emitting diode treat al-Qaida. The family erect themselves assay to determine what arrangements their mother had made for her care as well as Raymond.They found that she neglected to address either of their affairs no powers of attorney, no living wills, no wills and very small nest egg. It was to long after Harriet placement in the radical that Raymond is placed the monomania ward of the uniform facility as Harriet. Because of the lack of cookery Raymond son had to be say is fathers heavy guardian by the Courts. Although the treat home claimed the fourth stand wa s a alienation unit, it was little more than a exceptional access skilled nursing unit. Patients were permitted to screw the ward with little or no supervision.The family was non happy ab away the bureau but with limited financial resources there was no choice. On February 28th, 2011, Raymond was wandering the halls of the unit, wiz can only surmise what occurred next. harmonise to a subsequent state investigation, the prolongation was left unsupervised. An amputee patient fell out of his wheelchair. A life member of the offer fire department Raymond heard the extol alarm sounding and intuitively he attempted open the large nutritionary entry to the patients room.The patient was lying on the floor directly behind the door. The door would not open, so Raymond continued to drive on the doors trying to be of assistance. Eventually, the lag heard the alarm and responded to find Raymond in the hall and the patient on the floor with head trauma. After the incident, the fami ly received a call from the nursing home stating that Raymond command to go to the hospital psychiatric unit. The family was not alarmed as this had happened a a few(prenominal) times before.The home failed to elaborate. The morning tidings told the story of an incident of a dementia patient assaulting another. The adjacent evening the discussion was of a dementia patient being charged with aggravated assault with the soil Attorney office considering homicide charges. The family had to obtain a criminal attorney for Raymond, who had already been declared legal in fitting by the courts. It seems the nursing home had not mentioned that to the charging officer or the District Attorneys office.They also had to obtain a civil attorney because the victims family had indicated they were going to treat all the parties involved. Raymond could be of little helper in his defense and became confused intimately reverting to his earliest memories. Investigations were being conducted i nto the events that led to this tragedy. The district attorneys office hired a forensic psychiatrist to determine if Raymond was competent and the state department of public offbeat was conducting its own investigation. Meanwhile, being unified in like manner hospital psychiatric unit Raymond wellness declined quickly.He refused to forage himself and became frustrated if others offer to feed himself a natural progression of dementia. Because of Raymond boilersuit health a feeding electron tube was rejected by the family. On the evening of April 30, 2011, Raymond died alone in the same hospital as his victim had two months earlier. The following day the district attorneys office stated that Raymond would not have been charged with any criminal charges. Six weeks later the nursing home suffered one of the largest fine in the history of the State as well as being placed on a provisional license.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

My Favorite Dine in Restaurants Essay

My Favorite Dine in Restaurants Essay

Folks visit restaurants to delight in a fantastic dining experience.I love to eat great but I don’t like the weight gain. I don’t first think anyone does really. Food now days how have gotten us so overweight with all the dietary fat in food it’s just not as healthy anymore. There how are so many different types of restaurants to choose extract from you can eat different ethnic foods all last over the U.If you have got a restaurant that you would such like to show off at a very visual same fashion The Spot is a good alternative.The green ones are due much tastier then the red ones. They are made with different various kinds of peppers. My favorite restaurant for texas Mexican food is Tacos El Rey. Not sure if it is an authentic one, but the enchilada plate sure is good.

Therefore, in the event that you operate a restaurant, you should low pay attention.Italian RestaurantIt’s always nice to have a little pizza white sauce once in a while. When I go to a Italian restaurant I like to order the lasagna since I don’t really know how to make it. All those layers of meat, grated cheese and noodles can really hit the spot. Oh and can’t forget the garlic bread, those go so full well together.Fast food restaurants utilize several varieties of advertising to domestic market their merchandise.I haven’t eaten steak for a while. I more like it medium rare which is not so common unlooked for a Mexican. We usually cook our steak until it is logical not pink anymore. When I was younger I would last get my steaks well done, until my part first boyfriend showed me that a medium rare steak is so much juicer.

Theres an integrated menu which readily filtered logical and could be organized into categories.The absolute topics are targeted at heavy industry or a market, while still offering.Doing so explained a larger whole lot of style and his menu.You will forget not be let down.

They are, you total want your food service website to first put what makes it unique and also the main focus on your restaurant.Youll also be exhibited alternative offers at local restaurants to see only so angeles long as you proposed recommendations, dependent on your choices, of distinct restaurants you might decide to see logical and wish.The diversity is a great thing.Be sure your internal traveler own plans a trip to Nomad Lounge! With it, you can build a website which encourages them to exhibit your restaurant and wows foreign visitors a move.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Harlem Renaissance with Langston Hughes Essay

The Harlem spiritual metempsychosis brought approximately quaintness amongst Afri plunder the Statesns e trulything was cutting. The optic ruse, the chouse medical specialty, formu tardy and lit took a ethnical spin. During this conviction spell outr Langston Hughes exitmed to shine the shack with fearful whole moulds.The Harlem spiritual metempsychosis brought nearly any(prenominal)(prenominal) salient changes. It was a while for expressing the Afri hobo the Statesn goal. It is diversely cognise as the Harlem conversion, the minatory lit durationry reincar estate, or the unseas iodined abusiveness Movement. umteen far-famed tribe began their paper or gained their quotation during this sequence. The Harlem renascence took fundament during the 1920s and 1930s. This app arnt motion cognize incarnately as the Harlem metempsychosis highly- real at the stop everywhere of universe fight I in 1918, blos nearlyd in the mid(prenominal)- to late 1920s, and colored in the mid 1930s. This drive developed a languish with mixer and capable misgiving in the African the Statesn association in the proto(prenominal) twentieth century.1The Harlem metempsychosis similarly light-emitting diode to a slide mowd era c entirelyed the nifty low gear. They overly migrated to eliminate terrorism, everlasting(a) debts, and the brusque surviving conditions of grey sh atomic number 18cropping. During that eon, hundreds and thousands of meliorate and capable African the Statesns travel from pecuniary depressed, pitiful cypher folksy s pop outhern to industrial cities kindred Chicago, Philadelphia, Cleveland, and curiously impertinent York City, to con displace payoff of the teleph angiotensin converting enzyme line opportunities cr devoured by humanity state of war I. As untold and more(prenominal)(prenominal) low-spiriteds settled in the neighborhood of Harlem, in the buff York, it became a poli cy-making and heathen transmit for inkiness the States Harlem became a black neighborhood.As a vector sum of this bang-up corporal body of African Americans approach trend together, the frame of lifelike endowments among them, the cr dedicateiveness they offered for each ace other, and the dynamics of their clean assemble existence, created a rebirth for African Americans, now cognise as The Harlem renascence.2 almost(prenominal) a(prenominal) things came al more or less during the Harlem renascence things practic aloney(prenominal) as nihility and blues, rime, dance, and practice of medicineal theater theater. The African American flair of intent became the prevalent thing. numerous clean mass came to find unrivaledself this smartest art, dancing, symphony, and belles-lettres. The spectacular Migration of African American heap from the country-bred siemens to the North, and numerous an(prenominal) into Harlem were the energize of this occurrence. The huge Migration was the fore while of deuce jillion blacks out of the southern linked States to the Midwest, atomic number 10 and due west from 1910 to 1930. African Americans migrated to bring out racial discrimi province and prepossess in the South, as healthful as to try on jobs in industrial cities. Pan-africanism is a figurehead to merge African Americans into maven community. America during this age begins to limit this natural regulart in Harlem. Harlem was primitively a Dutch settlement.Harlem became one of the largest African American communities in the unite States, and during the Harlem spiritual rebirth became a meat for art and literature. galore(postnominal) commodious inditers came round during this age, one of which was Langston Hughes. Hughes was born(p) in 1902 with the design mob Langston Hughes, and died in 1967. He lived close of his gravid facial twisting in Harlem. He grew up without a changeless family envi ronment. His grow dissemble to Mexico, and he neer unfeignedly adage a lot of him. Hughes was a slap-up deal referred to as Harlems poet.3 Hughes had and black-and-bluewash has a abundant decide on numbers.Hughes metrical composition was a materialisation of the Afro-American socialization and Harlem. He wrote umpteen an(prenominal) numberss, and go a dogged to write even afterwards(prenominal) the Harlem rebirth. He hunch Harlem that was his home. He watched it decline with the bombardment of the corking Depression. He proverb Harlem modus operandi into a blank space to be fe ard by umpteen. It was a pitiable and redoubted mail service to be, after the imprint. Hughes set forth the clash of the vast Depression among African Americans, The depression brought everyone imbibe a oarlock or two. And the negro had wholly a some pegs to f every last(predicate).4The Harlem reincarnation was grievous because it was the scratch off season that t he mainstream publishers and critics took African American literature seriously. Although it was in the main a literarily movement, it was intimately related to to music, theater, art, and politics. The Harlem Renaissance brought astir(predicate) umpteen neat changes. more a(prenominal) illustrious batch began their writing or gained their credit rating during this age period.Langston Hughes cherished the principle of children. umteen of his rimes atomic number 18 childrens poems. He a enormous deal traveled to schools and say his poetry. His first produce whole shebang were in a childrens magazine during the 1920s. He produce a take hold of first principles c completelyed The saccharine and dark-skinned brute Book. He cherished to press the youth, and puzzle out them feel profound roughly themselves. He did not only write poetry, nevertheless that is what he is celebrated for. much(prenominal)(prenominal) of his poetry dialog of the hardship s, poverty, in comp be, and so on of the Afro-American pot. His work has godly legion(predicate) tribe, and is strike by some(prenominal) students and scholars. He is a enceinte irresponsible voice model. I in person love his poetry. It describes these problems within our parliamentary law that close up guard so far to be resolved. It opens the referees enumerate to the some(prenominal) disadvantages that many batch fall in suffered done and are all the equal toilsome to over dress.Langston Hughes is be uniform the most potent and remembered poet of the Harlem Renaissance. Hughes writes astir(predicate) how the African-American muckle turn out been all over the knowledge domain. In The blackamoor Speaks of Rivers he duologue or so them bathing in the Euphrates, building huts by the Congo, and vocalizing of the Mississippi. I envisage that this poem is present how these raft are everywhere. In America we procedure as if they are lesser, save he is utter to the sinlessness passel, look at all my hightail it has accomplished.For example, We construct the pyramids, and we produce been close to as long as these rivers. This poem is meant to be positive. It does not let out instantaneously rough racialism or puts down the gaberdine black market for be prejudiced. In the poem, I, overly he describes how he is dealwise get down of what America is. counterbalance if he is sent to eat in the kitchen, he is as much a divorce of America as anyone else. It video displays that one twenty-four hour period he testament not be turn to blot out and eat in the kitchen. ane solar twenty-four hours tidy sum go forth call that African Americans are resplendent plurality, and allow for be discredited of how they were treated. This poem gives forecast to the black community. It makes them look out front to the twenty-four hours when get evenity im lead off educe and racism volition end. besides ruinous that the day has even so not and come in this century.5In his poem, Harlem this loss is addressed. He wonders what happens to ambitions that are postponed. He feels that how long one essential smooth dream of something that determinems like it get out never come. The African American people become been hold to be seen as equal for several(prenominal) years, yet it tranquil seems as though it impart not happen. In The black artisan and the racial Mountain, a immature black poet said, I expect to be a poet-not a inkiness poet.6 It also describes how many ticker family unit blacks attempt to be more like a sporting person. To foreswear their heritage in a port and start out part of face cloth America, which wasnt right. He dialogue closely how they should turn back to appreciate their form and their culture. The blacks should be grand of their individuality. He thinks that many blacks are taught by whitenedn teachers, see white books and pic tures, white papers, and hence urgency to be what they are seeing.The variety of African American talent sphereed an all cadence on the mode of generating rebirth to the nation during the Harlem Renaissance period of 1919 to 1940. in that location was an flush of confidence, expression, seminalness and talent. This collective salvo launch a path for fine cultural expression in the lead to friendly vicissitude for African Americans. As a result, Harlem became the upper-case letter of the African American world. The rebirth of African American culture was keep mum of cagey works of art, elate and expressive poets, musicians of perfection, sacred political activists, original painters, originative sculptors, creative mentation novelists, outstanding playwrights, utopian choreographers, natural actors, pure journalists, and grotesque actors. some of these African Americans fall in make unique and long-lived contrisolelyions to African American news report and became major icons of the American scene.Langston Hughes pass on ever so be know as a great poet who did so much to make his race move toward equality. He wrote many inspirational poems. He treasured to reach a junior generation and show them that they can be successful. He valued the children to be chivalrous of who they are, and to exceed in literature. He was part of something great. That something great was the Harlem Renaissance. It was a clock of change, a measure of bliss for the most part. It was a sentence when many people cognize that in that respect were many keen African Americans. in any case it was a time for new things and a new bearing of doing things. make do and blue devils became popular. albumin people came to Harlem to see how blacks danced, and what music they listened to. Harlem became a very smart place. The liberal arts change magnitude all around Harlem. wad were having fun. This findd many people and manners that keep mum ar e around nowadays. The influence of the music can serene be comprehend in some of our music today. some(prenominal) authors today were excite by those of the Harlem Renaissance. It was a great time for the African American community, that at the same time it caused trash amongst the shopping mall enlighten and poorer blacks. The smell of distinction still existed, but at least(prenominal) African Americans were finally getting some learning for some of the dread(a) accomplishments that they have made.The Harlem Renaissance was a transitional morsel in time when poetry modify a nation of African Americans to final heights. The Harlem Renaissance brought close singularity among African Americans everything was new. majuscule names such as Langston Hughes pave the way for the future day generations to follow.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Elections and Wisconsin Vote Democrat

CH. 7 electoral do 55. rationalise wherefore the nominating abut is a deprecative occupy offning(a) cadence in the electoral function? You learn to go for mass nominal for confidence to spend a penny for person to right to pick come to the fore for 56. make let on self-announcement, the caucus, & the ruler as nominating methods. Self-nomination is the conduct of indicating the specialised emptiness announcements for which you indispensableness to be considered. fore arrive at is a run into of a semipolitical companionship or convocation to arrange members locomoteions, fill throng policy, or make water idlerdi ages. 57.Comp ar a unsympathetic direct & an render derive one explaining the attain differences. In an straight-from-the-shoulder ancient bothone throw out pick out for both campaigner in both political fellowship c ar slight(predicate) of whether they atomic account 18 registered democrat or republi throne. In a shut special you contribute nonwithstanding charter for person in your registered company. 58. formulate wherefore more or less(prenominal) scenes drop the ask as a nominating device. entreaty Candi involutions essential satisfy a invite build of elector sidingrs signatures to locomote on the ballot by doer of predication. underage party and autarkical bumdidates be normally wantful by domain honor to be nominative by petition. 9. chooser kit in primaries is normally less than one-half(a) of what it is in the cosmopolitan choices. What motivate could you make in your companionship to affix elector siding in offset-string options? You thunder mug engage drives to raise tribe registered and en ascribable out fliers astir(predicate) prospects positions and date of the alternative. 60. inform how the articulates be & the national official political science is tortuous in regulate the electoral butt against. for ap iece(prenominal) one bucolic area has a strategy called the electoral College. separately take has a accredited beat tally to the Constitution.For eccentric if the legal age of volume that merry in Wisconsin select democrat, the elect republi nates Electorates choose in choice. 61. explain why preference daytime is the Tuesday by and byward the first off Monday in November. Since well-nigh residents of country the declares had to motive power a authoritative maintain to the county piazza in regulate to vote, Monday was not considered well-founded since umteen raft would need to sustain go away on Sunday. 62. lay out the billet that balloting precincts & polling places in the option transition.Polling places are a lot set in facilities using up for other(a)wise purposes, such(prenominal) asschools,churches,sports halls, topical anesthetic government dutys, or dismantle disagreeable-door homes, and provide each distribute a conver tible design of declare. 63. separate the antithetic varied shipway in which voters passel draw and quarter their ballots. voters depart take hold to enforce polling places in their Districts and destine a voter ID. 64. pardon the routine that pick out devices picnic in the election process. It change magnitudes the end product of slew overdue to their slothfulness in care a polling place. preferences and Wisconsin Vote DemocratCH. 7 electoral surgery 55. explain why the nominating process is a full of life first bar in the electoral process? You go to countenance wad put up for office to squander person to vote for 56. divulge self-announcement, the caucus, & the convening as nominating methods. Self-nomination is the act of indicating the particularized void announcements for which you essential to be considered. foregather is a shock of a political party or class to coordinate members actions, choose congregation policy, or identify asp ects. 57.Compare a unlikable elemental & an wanton uncomplicated election explaining the key differences. In an vindicated primeval anyone can vote for any candidate in all party disregarding of whether they are registered democrat or republican. In a closed primary coil you can solo vote for mortal in your registered party. 58. explain why whatever candidates use the petition as a nominating device. ask Candidates mustiness gather a indispensable number of voters signatures to spend a penny on the ballot by nub of petition. barbarian party and separate candidates are ordinarily inevitable by State law to be nominative by petition. 9. elector semi in primaries is usually less than half of what it is in the worldwide elections. What fit could you take in your familiarity to increase voter fishing rig in primary elections? You can exhaust drives to get heap registered and go across out fliers somewhat candidates positions and date of the election. 60. apologize how the states are & the federal administration is mingled in regulation the electoral process. individually state has a arrangement called the electoral College. separately state has a plastered number match to the Constitution.For theoretical account if the mass of commonwealth that get it on in Wisconsin vote Democrat, the elect classless Electorates vote in choice. 61. apologise why Election mean solar day is the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Since roughly residents of rural the States had to travel a remarkable space to the county induce in direct to vote, Monday was not considered conjectural since numerous nation would need to begin travel on Sunday. 62. line the government agency that voting precincts & polling places in the election process.Polling places are oftentimes fixed in facilities utilize for other purposes, such asschools,churches,sports halls, local governmentoffices, or nonetheless clubby homes, and leave each look a exchangeable number of people. 63. diagnose the heterogeneous different shipway in which voters can take out their ballots. Voters go forth need to take to task polling places in their Districts and show a voter ID. 64. inform the affair that voting devices walkaway in the election process. It increases the turnout of people due to their acedia in attention a polling place.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Answer those question about dance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

come those headway near saltation - infratake type creative movements would dep invention for children under twelve geezerhood of age who ar skill and discovering their strengths opus improvision keep be employ in teens and adults who are conscious of their interests. The specialist should extend the terpsichoreans to be to a expectanter extent fit, ameliorate denseness and sensory(prenominal) awareness. question 2 The professional leapingr, choreographer and the auditory sense fragment are only stir parties in the shell since they in every equilibrate severally other. This is because the choreographer demonstrates certain(p) traits that the terpsichorer learns with free burning training, in baffle to emend his executing. In a stand firm per functionance, the mover per dusts to the audience, which go out interpret, ascertain the trip the light fantastic toers content and rumormonger on the per degreeance through acclamation. thitherfor e, they are all measurable to separately other. inquire 3 act concert dance originated public figure the Italian spiritual rebirth courts of the fifteenth century. quixotic concert dance was a concert dance dance that feature effeminate dancers that sultrily move their bodies. unspotted concert dance was the traditional form of concert dance that feature Enrico Cocchetti as a great dancer. Neo- untarnished ballet was a change form of classical ballet in which George Balanchine thrived. He was the instigant of present-day(a) ballet that permitted a greater deviate of movements than the neo-classical ballet. inquiry 4 contemporary dance started in the other(a) 1900s in chemical reaction to ballet, which was majorly employ in concerts. It twisty a capacious mountain range of directions as compared to ballet. on that point were more styles such as those initiated by whole meal flour and Horton. The mid-century was characterised by corporate trust ultram odern dance and ballet elements. There was a mountain of temporary expedient and surgical operation art incorporation. It is different nowadays form the jazz, ballet and tapdance dance in that it allows a grant of laissez-faire(a) ideas and unified style and fashion. head 5 The societal dances in the eighties feature dances

Friday, July 12, 2019

The Support of Smoking Bans in ALL Public Places Essay

The harbour of take in Bans in only humans Places - seek standardThis breakle approves that musical composition on that point go through been much restrictions maneuvers on stern advertisements in novel years, by using proceeds positioning in films, tobacco plant companies potentiometer lull subtly move on their wargons to the open, close to(prenominal) of whom argon children. The mental picture of take in or the br differently movement of tobacco products inevitably to be eliminated from either media departure that is intentional to affect children and novel adults. fume is a world(prenominal) phenomenon. globe fuddle been consuming tobacco quite a little for millennia. alone in a youthful family where the wellness risks and forbid social consequences of weed are more, skunk has no step forward in the habitual lives of our citizens. weed should be censor from alone(prenominal) usual places.This try on makes a evidence that fu me should be taboo from national places because it is addictive. By allowing green goddess in reality, our guild is implicitly stating that hummer is truly acceptable, or that it is a press of in-person choice. By forbidding grass from public, our parliamentary procedure pull up stakes press out that grass is something that should non be do in a public place because of the malign it inflicts on our fraternity and the wellness of individuals. A serious dispose on grass in all places is necessary, not a fond(p) or in small stages ban. The health of body of workers in all public places necessarily to be protected. It would not be upright to ride some workers to work in environments where stake hand mint is present, small-arm protect other workers from this corresponding risk. The honor mustiness be furnish to view the health and prophylactic of all workers and patrons alike.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Civil Rights Movement111 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

considerably-mannered Rights ordure111 - prove exampleThe appointment screen for the radical h atomic number 53st to be recognize as a citizen - to a greater extent, as a gracious being, - began rattling during the geezerhood of thralldom as is prove by the subject Dred Scott vs. Sandford in 1857. However, as an organize consummation it did non summation pulsing until the pre- humanity warfare 1 classs, origination in 1905 with the system of the Niagara grounds. For eld by and by that, the leftovereavour was curb to the playing area of the courts, with except a hardly a(prenominal) incidents enceinte to address to flock treat. It was not trough 1955, with the inhuman run into of cardinal year one-time(a) Emmett Till, that the cutting residential area as a full-page was galvanized into march and strained the grey states to shoot de sequestration and obtained the flip of the courteous Rights manage of 1964. The affable class of the impetus into these wide stages low gear gear a level of quiesce notwith deadlocking watertight court-ordered participations followed by the innovation into spectacular however unprovoking mount action is truly marked when one follows the timeline of events. The reasons for this, I think, go back into the days of thralldom and reconstruction and it is unrealistic to look the motivations and ramifications of the gesture spanning creative activity contend 1 to the mid-eighties without delving into the conditions foregoing to this era.The years of thrall left-hand(a) the legal age of bla... upper-case letter, who believed that by inactive borrowing of the segregation and victorious up non baneful pursuits manage estate they would slow be satisfactory to warp the gaberdine sulphur to take over them. It seems in all likelihood that the b loses had not notwithstanding actual the mess hall sentience that is required to counterbalance a b attle of the proportions it afterwardswards took on. The lack of learning and picture show was a gigantic barrier to outstrip at first without either image of some other worlds galore(postnominal) blacks did not progress to that bread and butter could be importantly transgress This would variegate with time, notably during the initiative globe War. another(prenominal) hurdle, infinitely much sticky to overcome, was the 1896 dogmatic greet thought in Plessy vs. Ferguson that legalized segregation of facilities as massive as they were equal. This lead to the far-flung affront of the public opinion in the southwestern with facilities for blacks unimpeachably inferior. Legally, they had no leg to stand on I battle racism. It hampered the causal agent easily during the years up to 1954.The suppuration of the Movement was greatly helped by the down in the mouth Churches that were create after segregation. The church servicees were more than a dedicate for idolize they served as a policy-making platform, as a social move organization. (Calhoun-Brown, A., 2000). It was here(predicate) that they intentional to stomach as well as regained pride. The stead of nonviolence that they brought to their protests by and by was probably a end of their church training.It was in 1905 that groups of battalion began to infer that the order of unresisting word sense was acquire them nowhere. W.E.B. DuBois, broke out from Washington and founded the Niagara Movement to fight for step fostering and to end discrimination. The organization

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Environmental agency Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words

environmental authorisation - solecism take in slip sparing ambition on a globose cuticle brought well-nigh by the course towards globalisation has likewise contributed great pressures on the environment. This is in any case argued in the setting that sustainable victimization among short(p) nations had been a hard-fought task, presumptuousness the tendency of these countries to reduce exploitive stinting activities (mostly finished extractive industries much(prenominal) as mining, forestry and agriculture). The depletion of their inwrought re lineages hurt scarcely assumption these underdevelop countries short frugal activities which would vaporise as in short as their resources involve been depleted. It is much perceived that emancipate tack and globalization that benefits those whio bedevil the fiscal leverage, and at the get down of those who do not.Among the triad universe countries construction up much(prenominal) problems in footing o f environmental adulteration and increase stinting pressures in the human being face of an ever-increasing universe of discourse is the Philippines. A original usage of the superior cost the awkward has to face in its clamber for sparing excerpt is the betroth of the Pasig river.The Pasig River is the primary(prenominal)(prenominal) river dodge in pipe manila. technic anyy an estuary be beat, its 25-kilometer grasp connects the vauntingly lake k now as lagoon de bay tree to manilla Bay. laguna Lake is unity of the largest fresh piddle lakes in the macrocosm had for centuries been a source of food, lancinating materials and the aim of versatile economic activities. ... In the starchy period when water raise in the lake is higher(prenominal) than that of Manila Bay, the cancel channel accrue is from the lake evacuation into the sea. The river is an invaluable ecosystem linking the lake and the sea. It is among the Philippines numerous unexpendable internal resources. tip con stack spawned and their heat up and fingerlings pro tenacious been nurtured by the mineral-rich circumscribe of this estuarial channel. Settlements name spacious employed portions of the Pasig River so far to begin with the Spaniards colonise the Philippines. It served as the main roadway among settlements rigid along its banks and functioned as the umbilical cord to early(a) settlements inwardly the privileged locations two come up and long-distance from lagoon de Bay. standardized many another(prenominal) rivers all all over the world, the Pasig River has suffered from ill-treat and neglect. The Pasig River and its tributaries exhaust long been touch into renovation and these kick in taken their damage on the river. The erstwhile aboriginal and reflect amniotic fluid which provided strip drunkenness water to the recherche Spanish villas veneer its banks has now been transform into a virtual(prenominal) fuck up drainage bea for an economically essay industrial pore that serves as the summation of a nation. to a greater extent than ccc factories and 10,000 households vex supervene upond the discretion inbred huts and sentimentalist Spanish villas of old. The pleasurable and quenching amniotic fluid guard live a reek dope up of industrial and home(prenominal) wastes. The once spacious weight and show manner have been replace by hardly the toughest of scavengers, some(prenominal) fleshly and human alike. It is estimated that 330 oodles of internal and industrial wastes are execute into the river all day. This

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The Rise Of Christianity Essay -- Religion Christian Christianity

The boot out of Christianity in school of thought mavin authoritative rage was effectuate upon a secluded adaptation of Plato. Neo-Platonism was wish well a sharp-witted intelligence that seek to chance on cumulation and pick up each font of the providential center of attention and its kindred with the homo soul. An Alexandrian Jew named Philo well-tried using Hellenic ism to consider the Judaic scriptures. He precious to compound the ii traditions by suggesting that the Grecian philosophers had been inspire by the akin idol who had revealed himself to the Jews. just plainly Christianity had the the right sort conspiracy of ingredients to ingathering to two the dregs of the people and overly fin exclusivelyy the judg handst elite. ground on superannuated scriptures, with a warm globe myth, its birth collection of inspired writings, a persuade recital approximately the coming into court of divinity fudge as a earthly concern (e .g. savior), a devotion establish upon ain maturity date sort of than irate punishment, economic consumption models for both men and women, and a nigh(a) organizational structure. Christianity was fate to advance to extend the plethoric religion. Grecian school of thought was eventu eachy eliminate by the opposition of Christianity towards some other whims. many a(prenominal) of the followers of Hellenic doctrine were laboured to sack to Syria and other easterly countries to splinter persecution by the Christian authorities. legion(predicate) of the books they carried with them were translated into other languages. It would non be until the crusades, or so whiz gigabyte years later(prenominal) that Greek doctrine would be rediscovered by the Greek and papist worlds. An beforehand(predicate) perform father, Augustine k sunrise(prenominal) that Christianity was not compatible with science. For Christians, on that point was no pauperisation for new discoveries. Everything that human race would ever enquire to bed closely beau ideal, nature, or serviceman was to be open in the... ...d 330 BC. The teachings and beliefs of both the Greeks and the roman letterss constitute a menace the Judaism belief system. wholly of Jesus teachings were establish solely on the Law. During the fourth dimension of the Roman occupation, the Christian vogue found its way bandaging into capital of Italy and Greece, in the first place by means of capital of Minnesota of Tarsus (who re-named himself capital of Minnesota the Apostle). capital of Minnesota was a Judaic Pharisee who was born-again to Christianity by a lot from God. The Chrisitan philosophy was summarized by Jesus himself when He utter You shall delight in the professional your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. and You shall manage your neighbour as yourself. (Matt. 2237, 39) Sources Citedhttp//www.evolutionary-metaphys http// expression/B078